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Thread: PuntoSports INSURANCE scheme with CHRIS KNOTT :: 0800 917 2274

  1. #111
    Punto know it all
    Join Date
    May 2006
    broadstairs kent

    Punto sports insurance scheme with chris knott insurance

    Lol, I was wondering why it said fiat forum too.

    I actually got a pm from the fiat forum admin, thanking me for supporting the club

    Quote Originally Posted by ChrisKnottIns View Post
    He gets around a bit
    Let's hope my misses doesn't see that, lol.

  2. #112
    PSC Trader
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    Aug 2008
    Hastings , East Sussex
    Thank You from Chris Knott Insurance

    Hi, we'd like to thank the members of the car club/forum community for their support of our special car insurance scheme. So far this year we've been amazed at the increase in members using our service to find the best deal - each month we've beaten our growth targets by a significant amount and that's down to you.

    On a slightly different note, we do try to monitor the forums and keep up to date with any insurance questions out there but if we've missed any please feel free to flag them up again by PM and we'll make sure you get a response.

    Thanks again for your custom and don't forget to try us this year when your renewal falls due. We won't be able to help everyone but we'll do all we can for as many of you as we can.

    QUOTELINE: 0800 917 2274 / 01424 200477


    "Thanks a lot guys for saving me money on Car Insurance...!!! Both cars insured and over £400.00 saved in total..." Happy Matty. Slotty,

    "Went ahead with my Insurance renewal today with Chris Knott Insurance. Undercut my existing renewal quote by 10% over the phone before I could even approach the subject myself! Mod-friendly and polite service (Kim) Many Thanks guys." Av4nt,

    "Chris Knott have just halved my insurance! Result I say. Same cover as before and everything covered fully comp." Yorkshire007,

    Chris Knott Insurance
    Please call 0800 917 2274 (or 01424 200477)
    and QUOTE REF: 876-PUN
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  3. #113
    Punto Enthusiast
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Hello, My insurance is gonna run out on the 19th of this month. I been looking around and the best quote I found so far was for £493.96. I did declare that the car had modifications and I have 1 years non claim not protected. I'm hoping you can do better.

  4. #114
    PSC Trader
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    Hastings , East Sussex
    Yes please give us a call.

    Chris Knott Insurance
    Please call 0800 917 2274 (or 01424 200477)
    and QUOTE REF: 876-PUN
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  5. #115
    PSC Trader
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    Hastings , East Sussex
    REMINDER: Chris Knott discounted Car Insurance scheme

    Chris Knott has launched a couple of online products for members in the last month (Breakdown and GAP) and I've been posting on here about them. So I thought it would be good to now go back and remind you of our core offering which is, of course, our special car insurance scheme.

    As car club members you generally look after your cars better than the average driver. So the insurers on our panel allow us to be a bit more flexible in our pricing and respond to your best alternative quote rather than the rigid computer calculation to win the business.

    The result is that you ultimately get a lower quote than you would otherwise.

    And, as we're signing up 44% of all club enquiries on average, this clearly works to everyone's benefit.

    MAIN CHRIS KNOTT PRODUCTS available to members:

    * Car Insurance / Multi-car Insurance (extra discounts for more than one car) - phone for a quote
    * Breakdown Cover - by phone or quote and buy online
    * GAP Insurance - by phone or quote and buy online


    * Home Insurance - extra £20 OFF our best home quote if you have 1 car with us / extra £50 OFF our best home quote if you have 2+ cars with us.
    * Commercial Vehicle and Fleet Insurance
    * Business Insurance

    CHRIS KNOTT QUOTELINE: 0800 917 2274 - Please mention this forum to receive the full benefit (or call 01424 200477 - cheaper for mobiles).

    ************************************************** ******

    "Just had a nice chat with Tabitha getting a quote for this year, after being with main stream insurers up until now. As I'm looking at some modifications I wanted a flexible policy and CKI came up trumps. What a brilliant deal, massively cheaper than anyone else, but with more cover. Couldn't be happier!" Dunk Veloce, Alfa Romeo OC

    "This year got quoted £840 from admiral and then £480 for Chris Knott. Guess who I chose." JackW,

    "Well what can I say? The guys at Chris Knott are epic. Had my renewal quote from my previous provider. Started calling the insurance companies on here. Most of them only beat the renewal quote by a few £££. Called Chris Knott insurance and they smashed the price! Very happy with the price nearly £200 off the renewal quote. Big thanks Chris Knott and a huge thanks to Kim and Rebecca." klashinikov, Type R Owners forum.

    "Just made changes to my policy and declared the new modifications, couldn't be any easier or helpful. Happy to be with Chris Knotts, couldn't recommend them enough. Thanks again!" Danny Piercy, Facebook

    Chris Knott Insurance
    Please call 0800 917 2274 (or 01424 200477)
    and QUOTE REF: 876-PUN
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  6. #116
    PSC Trader
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    Hastings , East Sussex
    Hi, just to let you know I'm away for a couple of weeks so I won't be able to reply to posts or PMs but I'll be back on 18/8.

    In the meantime, please continue to call us for quotes. We've had a brilliant July and it's all down to car club/forum members like you picking up the phone.

    Online v Phone
    We know many of you like to get your quotes online but we're able to beat the price comparison sites if we can talk to you - we get a better feel for you over the phone and we can ask different questions to manually decide whether you're a good risk to take on and at what price. This benefits you far more than a simple "computer says yes, computer says no" scenario.

    Pick up the phone and ask us to quote (Tel: 0800 917 2274 or 01424 200477) - you'll be glad you did when we beat your best quote (which we currently do for almost 50% of all callers).

    Multi-car households
    If you have multi-car policies with the likes of Admiral, we can compete with these too. Those companies typically only have their own products to sell. We have access to a whole range of insurers and can pick the most appropriate one for each individual vehicle but still give you the benefit of a single renewal date and a single point of contact - call Chris Knott Insurance for your quote today.

    Past experience
    It may be that you've asked us to quote in the past and we weren't able to help. If that's the case it's definitely worth calling us again when your renewal falls due. With postcode relaxations and changes to driver age requirements in the last 12 months there's a good chance that we've dealt with whatever was preventing us from winning your business last time. And if price was the issue, please don't miss out on this one thing - we currently have insurers queuing up at our door for good, clean, car club/forum member drivers and they'll support us in doing whatever it takes to win the right cases.

    You all know what insurance is like. Today's low rates may start to rise again tomorrow. Let's both make hay while the sun shines!

    Give us a call on 0800 917 2274 / 01424 200477 and mention this forum to see how much we can save you.

    See you in a couple of weeks.

    best regards,


    More feedback found this week...

    "CK have pulled out all of the stops to give me a great price this year! Well made up!" Ryan-H, R32 Owners Club

    "I would also recommend you speak to Chris Knott for other types of insurance too. I recently moved my House Insurance and saved over £900 - with my car insurance that's £1400 I've saved this year by moving over." NeRo,

    "Just want to say a huge thanks for the service you guys have provided so far. The exhaust mod has been added free of charge. Really pleased with how you operate." raymondbowon,

    "Very impressed with the service and for beating my renewal quote by a healthy margin. Also insured my Favorit through yourselves as the policy was £200 cheaper than anywhere else! I'm very impressed and hopefully I will keep using you guys in future. Thanks." pierst1,

    "Another new customer here, they saved me about £85 on the renewal price, happy days...." fabmar, FiestaST OC

    Chris Knott Insurance
    Please call 0800 917 2274 (or 01424 200477)
    and QUOTE REF: 876-PUN
    Follow us on Twitter
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  7. #117
    PSC Trader
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    Hastings , East Sussex
    It has come to our attention that some forum members think we are linked with one of the other insurance providers out there because a name similar to ours appears against transactions on their bank statements.

    So we wanted to make it clear, for the avoidance of doubt, that there is NO commercial relationship between us and any of the other providers on car club forums.

    Actually there is good natured competition between all the providers on the forums and we come across each other often. But we are all completely separate, so you should always call Chris Knott Insurance for a quote and shouldn't think you've heard our quote just because you've called one of the other firms.

    Chris Knott's quoteline is 0800 917 2274 / 01424 200477. Please quote your unique club code to make sure you receive the full benefit.

    Chris Knott Insurance
    Please call 0800 917 2274 (or 01424 200477)
    and QUOTE REF: 876-PUN
    Follow us on Twitter
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  8. #118
    PSC Trader
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    Aug 2008
    Hastings , East Sussex
    Three reasons to call Chris Knott this December...

    The club/forum scheme is going really well at the moment. We're helping more of you than ever before because insurers are giving their respected brokers more room to move on price. This means we can respond to some of the quotes we would have previously had to turn away as too cheap for the risk.

    November's prize proved so popular that we're going to offer the same for December - a £100 Amazon Voucher.

    Simply ask us to quote for a car we don't yet insure, during December, and we'll enter you for the draw to take place in early January.

    QUOTELINE: 0800 917 2274 / 01424 200477

    You can get quotes for January policies in December too, so please include Chris Knott Insurance in your quote search if you're due then - you could WIN a £100 Amazon Voucher.

    If you're an existing Chris Knott client there's a permanent money-saving offer for you too:

    Get your friends and family members to call us for a quote on their car insurance. When they go ahead with cover we'll give you £20 OFF your own renewal for each one. This is not just a Christmas offer - it runs all year round. There's no limit to the number of people you can refer or the amount that you can have credited to your own insurance account.

    Ask your friends and family to quote reference RAF480 when they call and we'll sort the rest.


    We're still coming up with the goods for club/forum members:

    "Chris Knott just saved me £170 on renewal so I didn't bother phoning around anyone else. My premium went up year after year until I called Chris Knott last year. My renewal last year with Aviva went up £300, Chris Knott got me a renewal price £10 cheaper than what I was already paying on the current policy so saved £310 in total. And they kept me with Aviva. Chris Knott got me a deal with Aviva cheaper than Aviva could." sidibear,

    "Just to say a big thank you to Chris Knott Insurance. By far the best price and really easy to deal with. I also had to change details after having received the quote but it was no trouble for them at all. I had 1 year less no claims than I originally stated, but they honoured the same price! Legends. Thanks again." rick6, MPS Owners Club

    "Called Chris Knott's today and saved 23% over my renewal quote from XXXXXX XXXX. Very pleased, my LHD import with modifications was no problem for the lady (Tabitha) on the phone. Great service, very pleased." SFIAC, ZRoadster forum


    Chris Knott Insurance
    Please call 0800 917 2274 (or 01424 200477)
    and QUOTE REF: 876-PUN
    Follow us on Twitter
    Like us on Facebook

  9. #119
    PSC Trader
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Hastings , East Sussex
    Three reasons to call Chris Knott this December...

    The club/forum scheme is going really well at the moment. We're helping more of you than ever before because insurers are giving their respected brokers more room to move on price. This means we can respond to some of the quotes we would have previously had to turn away as too cheap for the risk.

    November's prize proved so popular that we're going to offer the same for December - a £100 Amazon Voucher.

    Simply ask us to quote for a car we don't yet insure, during December, and we'll enter you for the draw to take place in early January.

    QUOTELINE: 0800 917 2274 / 01424 200477

    You can get quotes for January policies in December too, so please include Chris Knott Insurance in your quote search if you're due then - you could WIN a £100 Amazon Voucher.

    If you're an existing Chris Knott client there's a permanent money-saving offer for you too:

    Get your friends and family members to call us for a quote on their car insurance. When they go ahead with cover we'll give you £20 OFF your own renewal for each one. This is not just a Christmas offer - it runs all year round. There's no limit to the number of people you can refer or the amount that you can have credited to your own insurance account.

    Ask your friends and family to quote reference RAF480 when they call and we'll sort the rest.


    We're still coming up with the goods for club/forum members:

    "Chris Knott just saved me £170 on renewal so I didn't bother phoning around anyone else. My premium went up year after year until I called Chris Knott last year. My renewal last year with Aviva went up £300, Chris Knott got me a renewal price £10 cheaper than what I was already paying on the current policy so saved £310 in total. And they kept me with Aviva. Chris Knott got me a deal with Aviva cheaper than Aviva could." sidibear,

    "Just to say a big thank you to Chris Knott Insurance. By far the best price and really easy to deal with. I also had to change details after having received the quote but it was no trouble for them at all. I had 1 year less no claims than I originally stated, but they honoured the same price! Legends. Thanks again." rick6, MPS Owners Club

    "Called Chris Knott's today and saved 23% over my renewal quote from XXXXXX XXXX. Very pleased, my LHD import with modifications was no problem for the lady (Tabitha) on the phone. Great service, very pleased." SFIAC, ZRoadster forum


    Chris Knott Insurance
    Please call 0800 917 2274 (or 01424 200477)
    and QUOTE REF: 876-PUN
    Follow us on Twitter
    Like us on Facebook

  10. #120
    PSC Trader
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Hastings , East Sussex
    Calling all PuntoSports members!!

    As a car club/forum member you could save money on your standard/modified/multicar insurance when you ask Chris Knott to quote.

    The current sign-up rate under our special scheme for car club members is 45% - that means we win the business on almost every other quote offered. It means we're regularly beating the likes of Admiral, Direct Line, other brokers and online price comparison sites too.

    It also means you've got a great chance of getting your best quote by giving Chris Knott a call. Why not give us a try this year and find out how much you could save by switching to the club's approved provider, Chris Knott.

    QUOTELINE: 0800 917 2274 / 01424 200477 - please mention this club/forum to receive the full benefit.


    These club members are happy with their recent quotes:

    "I've just quoted on the temp c max and had a smoking deal, had discount for being on the forum and another for second car. £240 comp protected no claims, on the c max (remember technically I've had my licence 1 year and me named on Nicci's policy). I'm paying for both cars what I was just paying for the v70r p2 last year, so it worked out good for me." Ettienne, Volvo Performance Club UK

    "Have rang around the insurance companies that are sponsors on the forum. Chris Knott came out cheapest." ChrisST225,

    "Very happy with CK, got a cheap renewal quote. Better than the comparison sites. Nice staff. That spoke English - crazy I know right. And an all round great company to work with. Honestly amazed at how great they have been for me. Will defo stay with them!" John Ansell, Facebook

    Chris Knott Insurance
    Please call 0800 917 2274 (or 01424 200477)
    and QUOTE REF: 876-PUN
    Follow us on Twitter
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