
My first post on here. I hope it's the right place. I'm definitely not a 'boy racer' 'cos at 58 I'm too old, and I'm not really into 'pimping my ride'. I just love Fiats, especially Punto's, and I'd like to drop in occasionally to get info, swap experiences etc.

My Fiat CV.

Started about 1981 with an already ancient s/h 127 Special, which had been hand painted, but was at the right price. I was just embarking on a degree course as a mature student. Had 2 small kids and 1 big mortgage, so it was all I could afford. Almost immediately it blew a head gasket. A few days later after a head skim and a lot of kitchen table port polishing etc, by yours truly it was a little flyer. Did loads of miles including three record breaking trips to Scotland before the diff finally exploded and threw the car sideways across the road. Happy days!

Next up. A 127 Super Five Speed. Another cheap car, but it got me around for a year or two,

Then! My first ever brand new car.. a white UNO 45 Fire. Kept it until it was falling off its wheels and the wife traded it in for a very nice s/h Mk 1 Punto ELX. I had been driving an very old VW Polo for a few years, but when it too blew yet another head gasket, I binned it and bought my first Punto, an N reg 75 SX.
This gave me no trouble at all and was in super condition, but when the time was right, I traded it for a '51 MkII ELX 3 door. Another lovely car, but still trying to stay somewhere near the new car level, I traded it for a new 'dealer special' '04 3 door Active, with CD player, alloys and 16v engine. Although there was nothing wrong with this one either, I never really took to it, so ..

Last May, I sold my soul for a bright red Grande Punto 16v 'Sporting'.
This is the prettiest car I've ever had and is still turning heads everywhere I go. It definitely drives and handles better than my previous Punto's. I don't get sea sick on corners now.
Unfortunately, it has attracted all the usual new car troubles. 1. A parking scrape just in front of a wheel arch. 2. A ding on the roof that looks like someone has bounced half a brick off it. 3. A slight depression on the bonnet, almost certainly caused by the idiot kids across the street, who insist on kicking a rugby ball 24/7. They've been doing this for over two years. I've asked them nicely, pleaded, and threatened, but they just don't get it, until last night when.... 4, a s*****g great ding (6"x9") on the tailgate. This one has an estimated repair cost of £300. It was definitely caused by the idiot kids across the street, 'cos I saw 'em do it. They are currently grounded by their Mum. Serves 'em right. They will be paying for the repair. One of them has lost a holiday abroad as a result. I still don't care. Maybe they'll finally learn to respect other people's stuff.

So.. that's me, and that's where I'm up to so far. I've been thinking my next might be a Multijet. Then this 'Starjet' appears. Seems like a good idea, but no more power than I've already got. I'll have to think about it.. or maybe you'll give me some tips. Thanks for reading this.

127 Special