Right, Tommorow night 21st, we are meeting in chesterfield, Junction 29.

The meeting place is the donut carpark opposite comet and livingstons night club, the time is 7.30pm. So far we have quite a few punto's even PUNTOBOY!!

Time & Date : 21st Jan 7.30PM
Location : Donut Carpark (Postcode for you sat nav whores - S40 1UT)
The who's who so far :

1. Ashy C Punto Sporting + 1 other maybe 2
3. ferrari punto sporting
5. GT matt (i`ll keep car until after this meet)
6. Puntoboy
7.Phil GT
8.daniel(maybe coming with sporting steve )
9.sporting steve
10.Bezzel + (1 maybe)

Come on people lets see some faces!!!!

Heres the actual thread http://www.puntosports.co.uk/forums/...t=chesterfield