Just after a nice afternoon with the girlfriends family having a meal, I parked up in front of her house which lies on a twisty narrow country road, just after a crest which turns and dips towards her house. The two houses have a layby so that cars are parked off the road and away from traffic, so they're supposedly safe.

Anyway, I rush in to have a piss and my girlfriend takes her two cousins to see the horse outside. As I was having a pee I heard a skid and a thud after hearing a couple of bikes screaming up the roads as you do on a sunday. I ran outside and asked Amanda if she heard it and she said year and said it came from up the road, nowhere near my car and we looked down the road and saw two bikers stood up by side of the road with their bikes and I saw nothing wrong, no skidmarks etc so went back in.

A few hours later when I was ready to go home I walked outsdide to find one of the ****ers had hit my car:

Theres a scuff on my back bumper, scuff on the front bumper smashed rear light, scuff down the side and a couple of scratches, two dents in my door, crached front indecator and a scuff on the front bumper, how the **** they managed that I don't know but it was one of those moments where I knew I should have gone out properly to them. Not even a sorry note, ****ers.