I was looking through some old pics from the front-end section of PSC earlier today, and again this evening. I can only imagine what this club must have been like in the early days.

I thought I'd post this to show a few of the newbies (in comparison to the old skool, I am also a newbie, having only been around for 18 months) what it must have been like to be a part of PSC in the beginning, in comparison to how it is now.

Here's some pics I have dug up...

Aldon Automotive - September '00. A great line up of GT's, including a rather standard looking 'Klaxon' nearest to the camera.

Birmingham NEC - 7th July '01. A meet-up before heading to the NEC, obviously a convoy of some sort... I imagine the neighbours weren't too happy!

Chobham Test Track - 15th August '01. From left to right we have... unknown yellow GT (who's is that car?), Demonfish, Xedos (with Klaxon), and AbarthGT.

Not alot happened in 2002/3 - I think this was the year(s) when alot of the regulars were undergoing some major engine mods... Mike Willet going Hybrid with MoTeC engine management, Ringer going POTR 1515cc T3 and of course, James Hans was off the road the majority of the year with difficulties at UAD, and luckily was saved by PowerOnTheRoad.

Sadly, I couldn't find any pics from this years meets. Could this be a tell tail sign that PSC is dying the death? Hopefully there will be a strong showing of Punto's at Elvington this year to try and revive the site. These old pictures have also given me some motivation to get my Punto done by the year end so that I can attend some car shows next year!

I'd have put a few more pictures in, but those were my particular favorites. Admin need to sort out the 'you can only post 3 pics in a post' thing out. I hope whoever has read this agrees with me when I say that we need to try and get PSC back to how it was. This isn't meant as a dig or anything malicious, just a look back to how things were, compared to how they currently are, and possibly some ideas of how to get this place back up and running again.
