and i thought the GTs engine bay was tight. theyve certainly crammed it all in.
youve done the right thing as far as buying an SS is concerned. you need youre head examining if you bought new but second hand make real sense relative to the standard Abarth.

whats the driving position like though? do you need long arms and short legs to get close to the wheel (like the GT). Sometimes manufacturers also set the driving seat too high which can spoil the experience.

at least with this baby you have the best of both worlds. day to day poke you can actually use without visiting a petrol station every hour. Not what you want when the chancellor is adding another 16p onto a gallon next month!

oh and dont give us the "i wont be modifying it" line as weve heard it all before. youll get used to the 160bhp and then see an advert for a remap somewhere to give you at least 200. thats the least you can do and would certainly be on my shopping list.

nothing better than a car the size of a mouse flicking the V at larger cars.

love it.......ignore the stuff about it not being man enough. remember its not how big it is its what you do with it.