Now, i want to try and get a little chat going on how everyone maintains (details) their car, as this forum lacks in this catagory, and on other forums its a huge part of the daily chat!

To do this i'm going to give away an amazing prize!

Now, this is a really simple competition, and i've managed to blag a freebie from Dave at Chemical Guys UK (

Here it is, Pete’s 53’ Black Pearl Signature Paste Wax:

Pete's 53’ is for the enthusiast who demands the highest and wettest level of shine. 53’ blends the finest ingredients to deliver A premium blend of genuine carnauba wax and natural oils that makes paint “drip off of your vehicle” with a high gloss shine and shimmer.

How do i enter? - What i'm looking for is for you to write up a detail you have done on your car.

Here's a basic format to follow:

or see here for an example

Decription - just quick a description of the condition of the car, and what your aim was (final result).

Photo's - now obviously a few pics would be great, so a minimum of 2 are required (before and after), though the more the better!

Products used, method used, and description of each step you completed. The more detail you give, the higher your chances are.

Overall Result - Lastly, give your thoughts on the final results of all your hard work!

Few points to note:

  1. 1 entry per user
  2. The car shown does not have to be a Punto, though it would be preferred.
  3. Winner will be chosen on best review and results.
  4. The end date will be 10/08/2009. This may change if we decide, though we will keep the thread updated. This would be only to allow a few more entries.
  5. There is 1 prize, Pete's 53'- Black Pearl Signature Paste Wax, delivered Free of charge, no costs will be incurred by the winner.
  6. And finally, the decision of the judge (Dave at Chemical Guys UK) is final.

Any questions just ask...

If this goes down well, we will see if it can be do this again, so the more posts we get here the better.

Good Luck!
