Dear All

Have you submitted money recently to the club in order to become a member?

I spent last weekend going through setting up new members and found that I'd only received a couple of applications (these have been set up but not sent out yet until I get to the bottom of who has paid/renewed and so forth).

It appears that people aren't actually following the instructions at all. One of two things seems to be happening:

1) People are paying, usually by paypal, and then not submitting an application form so I don't have their details.
2) People are paying by paypal and submitting an application form (or not) but not actually telling me on the paypal payment who they are!!

This has meant a delay for some of you and major ball ache for me having to second guess who the payments are from and so on.

If you think you may be in this category, please let me know asap so I can sort this mess out!

