why can I still not upload a avatar?
Because the forum software is broken.
An update is coming soon.
still no avatar? seriously how long does it take? months years decades? considering its part of the paid membership why has this still not been sorted out?
i've just repaid the member fee and its not as if you get much for your money anyway
Because the forum was/is fubared up.
Its been left with a trusted but unpaid individual to secure the database, update the software the forum runs on so the forum content is there and in full working order and to give us all a clean slate to work from. It should be ready to impliment soon enough.
Aside to that, if you consider that there isn't much value for money in paying the membership fee then why have you renewed your membership again? Personally i'd have to disgaree with your statement but apologies all the same that you can't have your 150x150 pixel picture just yet.
I notice the the admin and mods appear to have avatar's...
Damn it, we've been caught out.
avatars that were previously active before around 2 years ago are still in place.
Others that also have them in place from back then also still have them.
Its less than that, it can't be before July 2011 when we had to change hosts and server.