Auto Italia @ Stanford Hall (2011)
Sunday 5th June
Entry is £10 for adults, only £2 for children. It's a pay-on-the-day event, no advance booking is required
This will include entry and parking in the grounds for Italian vehicles
Post below and I'll add you to the list :thumb:
1. Ash0098
2. Benzarmy
3. Mawbster
4. dotdot1992 - most likely
5. ToddGT
6. Vern
7. Fletch
8. SuperDan
9. Sxh71
10. Gt1-Jamie
11. Jack-De
12. Bradleyboy
13. Giancarlokarta
14. Arda & Neil
15. Puntowhoopwhoop
Auto Italia Stanford Hall
LE17 6DH
The Grounds Plan below, we are located to the left of the Hall