hey peeps

a while back, pummy put up a thread about the rr this comin sat, and alot of people sed they where comin so it was booked. providing we can high numbers, this will go ahead at a discount price of only £35 and will tell u everything about ur car from boost to fueling etc. bin told this is a very good place to get it done and would usually cost in the region of £55-£60 + VAT!!!!

a while back we had many people on the list and it was defenat that it would go ahead but now, all the people that put there names down in the list have disapeared and we realy dont now whos comin/whos not, so we dont kno wether to pull out or not.

please if u put ur name down in the list before, confirm if u r comin AND if u r not as we need to kno the numbers.

also u can bring anyone else u wish to bring wotever car they have but please post in this thread or get in contact with pum or pm me (however u wana do it) with details of there car, whether u are/are not comin this sat to the rr as pum realy needs to kno!

