Quote Originally Posted by J a m e s
Quote Originally Posted by Mac
Quote Originally Posted by J a m e s

you can bet you bollocks to a barn dance if another person pic a pic of someone and took the piss they would get banned or the post would be deleted.

im sorry but the admin on psc is a big f**cking joke.
we're damned if we do, and damned if we don't
hit it on the head, ADMIN have no idea what to do.
exactly. half of you winge about us doing one thing, the other winge about something else.

i delete a slanging match from a normal thread by D4N yesterday, then get critisiced for doing so.

i tell you what, i've had enough, **** dealing with all the pettiness and all the in-fighting, very soon the control of the forum is changing hands, and those who have PAID to use it, will dictate the direction it takes, and if they do something that the non-members dislike then it is them who will get moaned at.

and the beauty of it will be it will have NOTHING to do with me, mac, heather, mike or anyone else.

the balls will be firmly in paid members hands.


p.s. regarding hans, we get moaned at or deleting him, we get moaned at for letting him post. having him banned makes life easier for everybody