Thinking of getting replacing the GT in the new year, got some comp coming through from a bike accident but not really sure what to go for! Don't want to just buy something for the sake of spending money.

Still want something turbo and quicker than the GT (i would add it should handle better, but that shouldn't be difficult :lol) not too fussed about how new it is (i'll go older if it's the right choice!)
Initial cost isn't the main problem, it's maintenance and insurance which will be the issue.

Only options i've seriously considered are a leon cupra 225, Older evo (4,5 or 6), Subaru Impreza STI and perhaps the baby of the skyline family (although that's hardly a practical choice )

Anyone got any suggestions or thoughts on the above? Only sensible choice of them seems to be the leon but that doesn't seem far off a GT and as i said i'm not particularly bothered about it being modern, extra luxuries etc.